The new electric heating system is now installed in the Village Hall. We are certain that all hall users will notice the improvement in warmth, especially in the main hall, which was previously difficult to get to a good temperature. It helps that the new heaters are also much faster acting than the old oil system.
With the old boiler inefficient and on borrowed time, the Hall’s management committee decided, after commissioning a professional report and with much discussiong, to go electric. While it is impossible today to foretell the comparative pricing of oil and electricity for the next couple of decades – the approximate life of a new system – the feeling was that electricity, not oil, is the future, and an electric heating system in the Hall could take advantage of renewable energy in due course.
Now we have 8 radiant heater cassettes of 2.4kW each in the main hall, 4 on each long wall, to radiate heat – nearly 20kW in total. The hall now heats up pretty quickly. (Previously, the heating had to be switched on for one or two hours beforehand to ensure that the place was properly warm.)
In the other rooms within the building (the Community Room, the Kitchen and in the corridors), more conventional electric radiators have been fitted; and radiant heater ceiling panels have been fitted in the toilets.
We would like to thank the contractors, Jason Jôs of Llanberis, for their thorough work installing this system in the Hall.